2010 HOGAR ,DULCE HOGAR. .Paz Feliz Gallery (Madrid)
2017 "Realidades diversas" en Galería Castelló 4 (Madrid)
2016 Castillo de Gmünd (Austria)
2014 CASADECOR (Madrid)
2013 Galería Modus Operandi (Madrid)
Casa de Vacas . Homenaje a Picasso (Madrid)
2012 Merode Castle (Germany)
Lycee Moliere de Brussels
2011 Marita SegoviaGallery (Madrid)
2009 Paz Feliz Gallery (Madrid)
Calviá City Council (Mallorca)
2008 Casa Parada Museum (Cuenca)
Paz Feliz Gallery Madrid)
2007 Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milán, Italia)
Museum of Contemporary Art Casa Spínola (Azuaga, Extremadura)
2004 Galería Kreisler (Madrid)
Merode Castle (Germany)
Museum of Contemporary Art Casa Spínola (Azuaga, Extremadura)
Calviá City Council (Mallorca)
2008 Finalist work in the XXII Painting and Photography Competition of Contemporary Art “José Antonio Sequí”
2005 Selected work in the 5th Painting Competition Jaurena Art.
2004 Finalist work in the Painting Competition of the Valparaiso Foundation
2003 Selected work in the 4th Painting Competition Jaurena Art
Amalia Moreno lives and works in Madrid. She is BA in Arts by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She completed her final year in Milan, where she radically changed the way of expressing herself through Art.
Despite always figurative, her paintings have evolved through time, eliminating elements, volumes, even colour; geometry has began to dominate most of her paintings. The inspiration comes from her background, from the people that surround her, be them known or anonymous, and from every day life objects, which acquire additional meaning after careful observation
To carry out her work she uses paint, photos and other materials like wood with the objective of giving her art a nuance of theater. Her art would be a window through which we observe our soul and reflect about the changes that society is going through and the moment in which they are reflected.